Fiscal Year 2024 Donors (Monetary and In-Kind above $100)
(K) Plans, LLC
1st Phorm
Michelle and Marc Abel
Deepa Acharya
Sue and Jim Adams
Margaret and Bradford Adams
Dr. Karen Collins-Adams and Dr. Kelvin Adams, Kelvin and Karen Adams Fund of the St. Louis Community Foundation
Anne Adderton
Nicole and Abe Adewale
Helen and Joon Ahn
Matthew Ahrens
Nancy and Martin Akins
All Saints North America Orthodox Church
Alicia Allen
Carolyn J. Allen
Alliance Credit Union
Tami Jo Alm and Kevin R. Alm
Ella Katie Altenbernd
Altria Group
American Direct Marketing Resources LLC
Amini’s Galleria
Matthew T. Anderson
Angel Anderson
Carole and Tom Anderson
Lisa Anderson-Smith
Suzie Andrews
Andy’s Seasoning, Inc.
Anonymous #1
Anonymous #2
Julius B. Anthony
Lance Appleby
Aquarius Ltd.
Armanino LLP
Alicia Armstrong
Kelly and Doug Armstrong
Tony Arnold
Nancy and Richard Arnoldy
Arsenal Credit Union
Ascension Parish
Thomas and Dale Auffenberg
Automatic Controls Equipment Systems
Avani Derm Spa
Melanie and Pete Avery
Azar Orthodontics
Mecca Baker
Danielle and Ryan Baker
Jason Baldus – The INSIGHT Group of Visionary Wealth Advisors
Ballpark Village
Glory Banstetter
Bar K
Alexander Barg
Paulette J. Barker, Kenneth M. Barker, and Jeffrey M. Barker
Robert Barnes
Tim Barringhaus
Sally and Jim Barry
Jane Barry-Davis
John Bauer
Maggie and John Bayer
Bayer Fund
Heather Beasley
Natasha Beauboeuf
Joe Beaudean
Eric Carmichael and Trisha Becker Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable
Tiffanne Becks
Bellamy Family Fund
Meredith and Jack Benage
Bennett Aerospace, Inc.
Ben Bentley
Better Family Life
Laura Bianchi
Big League Impact
Bill & Melinda Gates Agricultural Innovations, LLC
Emma Birge-Osborne
Birner Properties, LLC
Bishop Family Charitable Fund
Biz Library
BJC – West County Hospital Nurses
BJC Healthcare
Jamie Black
Blackspoke LLC
Lisa Blodgett
Leslie Bloom and Tom Mueller
Blue Gator Foundation Inc.
Blues For Kids Foundation
Debby and George Bolhafner
Kay Sneary Boltz
Jane Bond
Boniface Foundation
Boston Common Assets
Chelsea Bowerman
Sarah and Jason Bowman
Mary Boyce
Camilla and Stephen Brauer
Ellen Bray
Breakthru Beverage
Bright Funds
Keith Brooks
Matt and Rachel Broom
Stacy Brown
Dr. John T. and Kimberly Brunts
Buckingham Asset Management
Mary Pat and Dan Buescher
Brianne and Jason Burcke
Nathan Burmett
Burnes-Citadel Security Co.
Ingrid Burrichter
Byerly RV
Stephanie and Mario Cacioppo
Café Napoli
Dr. Joseph and Zoe Cangas
Christie Cange
Lisa Cannone
Capes Sokol
Jana and Steven G. Carani
Carey, Danis & Lowe, LLC
Ellen Carlson
Rob Carlton
Carmody MacDonald P.C.
Amber Carmon
Hillary Cartwright
Castle Contracting LLC
Centene Charitable Foundation
Centene Corporation
CG Foundation
CGI Technologies and Solutions, Inc.
Lindsey and David Chadwick
Jamie Chancellor
Donna and Brian Chandler
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Charles Schwab Foundation
Chemline Cares Fund
Diane Chester
Steven Chester
Chick-fil-A, Inc.
Kelley and Joseph Church
Churchill Downs, Inc.
Katherine and Tony Clark
Michael H. Clark
Katy Clark
Clean Carton Co.
Pam Cleval
Clifford Family Charitable Fund
Lucia Clifton
Jerry Clippard
Laurie and Michael Clithero
CNB Bank
Jonah Coakley
Crystal Cobb
John Cochran
Collin McAtee Charitable Fund
Noelle Collins and Phillip Boyd
Color Art Palette, Inc.
Community School
Christine and Jeff Comotto
Maribeth Concannon
Concord Trinity United Methodist Church
Steven Cook
Nichole Ellis-Cook and Matthew Cook
Rebecca and Jeff Cook
Coonrod Family Charitable Fund
Cordogan Clark
Marion and Michael Corrigan
Ann Cortinovis
The Cortright Family
Robert and Rebecca Courtney
Craftsmen Utility Trailer
Crazy Bowls and Wraps
Crescendo, Inc.
Crescent Parts & Equipment
Daniel Creston
Creve Coeur Days, Inc.
CREW St. Louis
Crossroads College Preparatory School
Kim Crouch
Jennifer Curtis
Troy Curtis
Pamela Cusanelli
D&K Welding Services, Inc.
D2 Consulting, LLC
Maria D. D’Agrosa-Sweney
Carolyn and Rick Dames
Carol Daniel
Beth and Brian Daniels
Daugherty Business Solutions
Rekha and Jay Dave
David’s in Clayton
Ellie and Kevin Davis
Dani and Josh Davis
Denay Davis
Cherree and Joe Davis
Derek Dawson
The Dana Fund
Nicole Delaney
Delicato Family Wines
Dell Technologies
Delta Dental of Missouri
Lucie and David Dempsey
Dennis and Judy Jones Family Foundation
Design Aire Heating and Cooling
Carolyn and Phillip Desloge
Tim and Maria Desloge Family Fund
Dhar Family
Julie Diedrich
Erin and Thomas Dittrich
Divine – A Boutique MedSpa
Jami Dolby
Megan and Ryan Dolton
Dot Foods, Inc.
Carl Dothage
John Douglas and Jack Breier
Matthew Doyle
Julie Drake
Shelley and Dave Dressel
Barbra S. Drier
Dan Driscoll
Erica Driver
Lynda Duke
Marla Dunbar
Shannon Eason
Patti Eason
Nora Ebersbach
Ecclesia of Christ Church
Anna Edgcomb
Edward Jones
Ann Edwards
Tyra Edwards
Stacy Edwards
Judeth and Tom Egan
Dr. Jack and Carrie Eisenbeis
Elder Manufacturing Co. Inc.
Ella A. Heimburger Family Fund
Elleard Heffern Fine Jewelers
Margaret and Bob Emert
Dana and Timothy Emert
Chris Emert
Enterprise Bank & Trust
Enterprise Holdings Inc.
Enterprise Mobility Foundation
Enterprise/Taylor Charitable Entities
Jerry Eoff
Patricia and Charles Erker
Barbara Erker-Engler
Facilitec, Inc.
Peggy Fagen
Krista and Justin Fajkowski
Laura and Tim Farquhar
Bergen Farthing
Angela and Jim Faul
Lou Ann Feldmann
Chalana Scales-Ferguson and Lathon Ferguson
Erika Fiola
Fire Solutions, Inc.
Fischer-Bauer-Knirps Foundation
Richard Fisher
Laura and Jeff Fister
Mimi and Richard E. Fister, Jr.
Katherine and Richard Fitzer
Tonie FitzGibbon
Meaghan and Kohl Fitzmaurice
Donna Flavin
Diane Miller-Fletcher and Mark Fletcher
Jeanne and Michael Flood
Florissant Valley Fire Protection District
Flourish, A Family Foundation
David Foppe
For Goodness Cakes
Mitzi and Josh Foster
Frank Leta Charitable Foundation
Jill Frantti
Denise and Drew Franz
Kathryn Friedman
Caroline Renner and Adam Friedman
Friendship Village Chesterfield
Meghan and Eric Fritsche
Frizzy By Nature, LLC
Dale Furtwengler
Maureen and Larry Fuse
The Gamble Family
Jimmy Gardner
Alexis and Sebastian Garren
Monique Garris-Bingham
Amy and Christopher Garrison
Gateway to Innovation
Dr. Mark Gdowski and Laura Hettiger
Alice and Bradley Geene
Genovese Jewelers
Kyle George
Kelly Gerke
Zachary and Alex Gerler
Gershman Commercial Real Estate
Gertrude and William A. Bernoudy Foundation
GFI Digital
Nicole Gilbert
Treva Gillen
Carrie Gillen
Lauren and Andrew Gillentine
Megan and Brian Gilmore
Girl Scouts District 4 Neighborhood 1
Girl Scouts of Eastern MO – April Showers Acct
Girl Scout-St. Catherine Laboure
Guy E. Giudici
Barb and George Giudici, Jr.
Glazing Solutions
Rachel and Jeff Glik
Elliot Glik
Angie and Jim Glik
Amber Goede
Goettelmann Family
Paul Goldschmidt
Anne and Robert Golterman
Joe Governski
Amy and Philip Graham
Jeff Gratzer
Linda Grayson
Greater North County Chamber of Commerce
Greater St. Louis Book Fair Foundation
Lisa Green
Janice A. Grefenkamp
Karen Gregory
Grimco, Inc.
Kathleen and Warren J. Gross
Lynette Guignard and Mark Sielfleisch
Ellen and Joseph Gunn
Haffner Family
Sandra and Michael Hagenhoff
Aqdas Haider
Michelle Haley
Jeanie and Christopher Hall
Halo Branded Solutions
Jennifer Hampton
Handi-Craft Company
Gayla Hannon
Lisa and James Hannon
Kathy and Michael Hanrahan
Melissa and Bob Hardie
The Hardin Family
Rich Hargis
Harlene and Marvin Wool Foundation
Alexis Harman
Diane Harmon
Tamara Harris
Heather Harting
Amy Hartwig
Carol M. and Paul H. Hatfield
Thomas Havel
Carol Hebbeler
Cherice Hendershot
Julie and Brad Henderson
Henry Elementary PTO
Nicole Herman
Jennifer and Frank Hettiger
Jordan Hicks
Michelle Hicks
Molly Hicks
Elizabeth and Craig Hildreth
Linda and Wayne Hill
James Hill
Max and Abby Hillman
Margaret and Paul Hillman
Ben and Claire Hillman
Jennifer and Tom Hillman and Family
Kay and R. Hinkebein
Gary L. Hirshberg
Erin Hoffman
Linda Hoffman
Mary Kate Hogan
Hogan Transportation
Holland Law Firm
Nathan Hollensteiner
Katherine and Justin Hollensteiner
David and Tracy Holtzman
Holy Infant Parish
Jack and Kate Horan
Dr. Marcus Howard
Mark Huck
Joan and Brian Humes
Husch Blackwell LLP
Hypnotic Hats LTD
Hyrdomat Inc.
ICL Group
Lateshia Ingram
Ivy Alliance Foundation
J.W. & Mildred A. Kisling Charitable Foundation
Jack and Jill of America, Inc.
Jack and Jill St. Louis Chapter
Jen and Kenny Jackson
Charmaine and Danny James
Janet Jardin
Jeff Hansen Memorial Foundation
Tammy and John Jennings
Jennings School District
Rose Mary Johnson
James Johnson
Sandy and Bob Johnson
Ashleigh Jones
Hunter Jones
Alexa Jones
Miranda and Addam Jones
The Mary Ranken Jordan and Ettie A. Jordan Charitable Foundation
The Josh Seidel Memorial Foundation
Beth and Seth Joy
Adrian Kahle
Lisa Kampmeinert
Joyce Kampwerth
David and Cynthia Kardesch
Karen Karr
Katharine Watkins
Matt Kaufman
Michael T. Kaveney
Shanta and James Keeven
Keller Williams Realty
Erin and Dan Kelley
Kathleen and Timothy Kelley
James Kelley and Ashley Ulrich
John Kerber
Bianca and Tobias Keys
Anessa Keys
Chad Kim
Beth and Dan Kinzel
Kirkwood United Methodist
Tracy and Kevin Kissling
Dan Kitley
Christine and Paul Klug
Knights Templar
Eric Knost
Barbara Kohm
Mackenzie Kolbet
Candace and Daniel Kootman
Kim Sneed
Katie Kovach
Aly and Andy Kowal
Mandy and Kevin Kozminske
KPMG LLP St. Louis
Tom Kraus
Ashley Krekovich
Trevor Ladner
Natalie LaFranzo
Donna Lainoff
Judy Laitman
Erica Land
Michael and Meg Lane
Martha Lane
Michael Lane
Ellicia Lanier
Larson Financial Group
Lashly & Baer, P.C.
Christy Laurent
Jacqueline and Paul LaVigne
Louise Lawes and Vince Manganella
Jeanne and David Layton
Le Méridien St. Louis Downtown
Carol and Daniel Leach
Julius Leachman, Jr.
Diana Lekich
Barb Lenz
Hallie and James Leopold
Leslie Joanne Event c/o Rung for Women
Let Me Run, Inc.
Ms. Stephanie Leung
Cliff and Sharon Leve
Lewis and Clark Capital
Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith
Lewis Rice
Lifetime Fitness-Chesterfield
Carla J. Light
Danielle Lindsay
Lerin and Andrew Linklater
Little Angels Foundation, Inc.
Livian | KW Chesterfield
Sean and Laurie Lock
Jay E. Lockhart
Linda Loftin-Akers
Jerid Lorenz
Karen Lorenzini
Amalia and Paul A. Lottes, Jr.
Levi Lovell
Shanel Luckett
Lindsey Luczkowski
Kenneth Allan Luecke
Cecelia Lumpkins
Drew Luning
Marylyn and Phil Luther
Kayla and Matthew Luther
LUZCO Technologies, Inc.
Alison and Ryan Lynch
Maggie O’Shaughnessy
Marc Maguire
Edward Major
Megan Mannion
MANUP Global
Kate Marino
Tyler Marquart
Kathy and Jim Martin
Dominic Martinez
Mary Lou Howard Memorial Fund
Maryville University
Chaz Mason
Mastercard Inc
Laura and Brian Matlock
Genevieve and Stratton Matthews
Maxine Clark and Robert Fox Charitable Foundation
Alex Maxwell
Angela and Dan McAlone
Merritt and Ned McCarthy
Brenda and Jeff McDonald
Anne M. and John F. McDonnell
Mechanical Solutions, Inc.
MTM, Inc.
Tom and Colleen Mehan
John Meinhardt
Mercy Kids Therapy and Development Center
Mercy Research
Tomea and Ken Mersmann
Lee Metcalf
Monica Metzger
Katie Metzinger
Mia and Jacob Meurer
Tony Meyer
Rosemary Meyers
Jennifer E. Michel
Trevor Michelson
Midwest BankCentre
Milford Kitchen & Bath
Laura A. and Robert H. Miller
Mary and Gary Mindel
Shari and Nick Miskov
Missouri American Water
MiTek Inc.
Martin Moehrle
Pushpaja Mohan
Mondelēz International
Megan Monehan
Moneta Charitable Foundation
Elizabeth and Thomas A. Moore
Lin Morgan
Matt Morris
Mosaic Family Wealth
Mary and Jim Mosby
MT Fitness
Rekha Muddaraj
Linda Muenster
Susan Mulcahy
Mark and Jenny Mummert
Marianne R. Muran
Dan Murphy
Marianne and Michael Murphy
Ellen and Pat Murphy
Jeannie and Mike Murphy
Deborah and Bruce Murphy
Murphy Company
NAAIA, St. Louis Chapter
Ms. Teresa Nappier
Mike and Chrissy Nardini
Narwhal’s Crafted
Dr. Melissa Nash
National Charity League
National Wood Flooring Association
NAWIC St. Louis Chapter #38
Stacey Neal
Jennifer and Scott Negwer
Negwer Materials, Inc.
Neuroimaging Lab at Washington University
Jan Niehaus
Niehaus Building Services, LLC
John Niemeyer
NISA Charitable Fund
Jaime Nissenbaum and Adam Earnhardt
Novo Nordisk
Liz Nunley
Lia and Dale Nunley
Nutrien, Inc.
Scott Nycum
Lisa O’Brien
Casey and Robert O’Brien
Hanna Oechsner
Susan O’Grady
Mary M. and Christopher J. O’Hagan
Olive + Oak
Chad Olney
Morna and Olatunji Onishile
Donny Osborn
Nancy Birge-Osborne and Patrick Osborne
John Oswald
Pace Properties
Tim Palliser
Blake Paradis
Alana Parks
Parkside Financial Bank & Trust
Ashley and Steve Parle
Sarah Paterson
Laura Patterson
Katie Patton
Dr. Tanya Patton
PayPal Giving Fund
Paz Family Foundation
Beth and Steve Pelch
Lisa Ann Pelizzaro
PennyMac Loan Services
Sarah and Robert Perez
Perficient, Inc.
Ken Perkins
Diane and Karl Petersen
Peterson/Brown/Rosenthal Family
Shannon Petrou
Pfizer-Latino Community
David Phan
Phi Tau Omega, Delta Phi Chapter
Rachel R. Phillips
Philoptochos Society St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Chapter 2055
John Pimmel
Cameron and Dana Pinzke
Keith and Stephanie Pittillo
Plaid, LLC
Christina Platts
PNC Bank National Association Commercial Loan Operations
PNC Financial Services Group, Inc
PNC Foundation
Chris and Elizabeth Poelker
Harriet and J. Philip Polster
Ponce Health Sciences University
Ailey Pope
Pott Foundation
Steven Powelson
Kerry and Steve Pozaric
Todd Press
ProAct Indy
Ryan Prudence
Dr. Joylynn Pruitt-Adams
Puzzle Warehouse
PwC Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Quest Diagnostics
Sue Quigley
Donald Quitter
Erin R.
Ray C. Properties, LLC
Molly and John Reagan
Gene Reece
Regions Bank
Jennifer and Dennis Reid
REPCO Solutions
Reynolds Family Foundation
RGA Reinsurance Co.
Dr. Jim and Tracey Rhea
Jane Richard
Angie and Randy Ridenhour
John Riggs
Tristan Ritter
Jamie and Manuel Rivera
Gerardo Rivera and Lara Rivera Cordova
Riverview Gardens School District
Mary Robbins
Lynn and Raoul Robichaux
Rocking Horse Film Studios
John Roeckle
Rebecca and Timothy Roeckle
Molly Roell
Judy and Rudi Roeslein
Roeslein & Associates
Susan and Peter Rogers
Eva Rolfe
Jon Root and Debbie Zimmerman
Anna Root
Sharon and Jeffrey A. Rosenblum
Maureen and Brendon Ross
Pamela S. Rout
Dr. Casey Rowe
Bob Ruebsam
Michael Ruffus
Maureen Russell
Stephanie and Brian Russell
S.M. Wilson & Co.
Michael Saettele
Saint Joseph Parish-Cottleville
Saint Louis Abbey Saint Louis Priory School
Berti and Gabriel Saldana
Lauren Sanders
Alex Sanders
Maureen and Mike Sansone
Santa’s Helpers
Jen Sanwald
Jacqueline and Timothy Sattler
Jenny Voelker
Brittany Saunders
Jill Feldman and Trey Sawyer
Lexi and Keith Scharf
Amy and Drew Schenk
Whitney Scherr
Alan Schilling
Rhonda and Scott Schmid
Jason Schnuck
Brenda Scholes
Schonwald Family Foundation
Suzanne and Paul Schoomer
Ronda Schrenk
Andrew Schumann
Beth and Patrick Schumann
Pat and Ken Schutte
Theresa and Andrew Sciaroni
Erin and Nathan Scudieri
Security Traders Association of St. Louis
Ellie and Rod Seemann
Seamus Shannon
Shawn Crosswhite State Farm Agency
Aimee Shelby
Ann and Steve Shields
Shannon Shores
Katie Sibbernsen Dimit
Keale and Jeremy Siebert
Sign of the Arrow
Simmons Bank
Courtney Simon
Pat and Paul Simons
Tiffanny Simpson
Sincerely, Everest
Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace
Ishmael Sistrunk
Claudia J. Skwiot
Mark R. and Dr. Kathleen Slocomb
SLU School of Nursing
Suzanne Smith
Darlene Smith
Alison and Buck Smith
Tami and Brad Smull
Kimberly and Brian Sneed
Jennifer and Matt Snyder
Soles4Souls, Inc.
Kristen and Michael Sorth
Debra and Jason Spann
Spire, Inc.
Spirit of Love Church
Dr. Emily Spurlin
SSE Charitable Fund at YouthBridge Community Foundation
St. Gabriel Parish Drive
Maggie St. Geme
Tom St. Geme and Sarah Whaley
St. Louis Alliance for Period Supplies
St. Louis Cardinals, LLC
St. Louis Italian Invitational Golf Tournament For Charities
St. Louis Philanthropic Organization, Inc.
St. Louis Region Porsche Club of America
St. Luke’s Hospital
St. Patrick Center
St. Paul’s Evangelical Church
St. Peter Catholic School
Flora and Mark Stallion
Paul Stamper
Standing Partnership, Inc.
Melissa Stanza
Staples Promotional Products
Staples, Inc.
Joanie Stark
Rick Stein
The Stellakis Family Charitable Fund
Stephen F. Bahn Commercial Real Estate Services
Stereotaxis, Inc.
Stern Brothers & Co.
Kendal Stewart
Stifel Financial
STL Mental Health Board
Tegner M. Stokes
Heather and Bradley Strahorn
Amy and James T. Strickland
Studio M
Stuffed Animals for Emergencies (SAFE)
Suburban Journals Old Newsboys Fund for Children
Mary and Greg Sullentrup
Erin Sullentrup
Kim and Mike Sullivan
Donald Suntrup, Jr.
Gretchyn Sussman
Dianne and Grenville Sutcliffe
Fred and Deborah Sutton
Swank Motion Pictures, Inc.
Blake Swearingen
Liz and Al Sweet
Courtney Sweetin
Stefanie Swierkosz
Jensen Szakaly
Kim and Gary Taylor
Technology Partners Inc
Tegeler Foundation
Dr. Steven L. Teitelbaum
TeKnoluxion Consulting
Kelly Telscher
Megan and Matt Temple
Bridget Terbrock
The Boeing Company
The Boeing Company Employee Individual Giving Program
The Buddy Fund
The Charles F. Knight Executive Education & Conference Center
The Church of St. Michael and St. George
The Cigna Foundation
The Cigna Group – Technology Early Career Development Program
The Diamond Family
The Emerson Charitable Trust
The Harlan Company
The Jackes Foundation
The Optimist Club of St. Louis
The St. Austin School
The St. Louis Trust Company
The Webb Foundation
Theodore A. Kienstra Foundation
Sarah and Dan Thies
Third Baptist Church
Jennifer Thomas
Kristin Thompson
Sarah Thum
Anisia Tierney
Tito’s Handmade Vodka
Together Credit Union
Debbie and Michael Tonn
Susan and Daniel Touchon
Tracy Family Foundation
Michael Traina
Jennifer and Eric Trapp
Jamie and Brian Tremblay
Ruby M. Trice, DMGT
Tim Trifiletti
Trinity Clowns of Missouri
Tromblee Foundation
True Fitness Technology, Inc.
Carrie and Frank Trulaske
John and Pat Trupka
Steven Tschudy
TW Constructors, LLC
U.S. Bank Foundation Employee Matching Gift Program
UBS Matching Gifts Program
United Legwear Co., LLC
Kathleen Unwin
Urban Sprouts Child Development Center
Private Wealth Management – Missouri and Arkansas
Kelli and Jim Uxa
Laurie and Raymond Van de Riet, Jr.
Jacqueline R. Vanderford
Deborah Vandeven
Kristin Vandeven
Vantage Credit Union
Nick and Portia Varsam
Carla and Eric Verhulst
Beth Verseman
Veterans United Home Loans
Kathryn Vice
Rebecca Vidal
Visitation Academy of St. Louis
Jenna Voss
Mari Vossen
Sandy and Jody Waller
Stephanie Walsh
Rushton Waltchack
Susan and Andrew Waltke
Washington University in St. Louis Department of Sociology
Washington University School of Medicine Office of Health Information and Data Science
Brian Way
Melissa and Brendan Webber
Vicky Weber
Teryl and Paul Weber
Webster Groves Lions Club
Jeremiah Wedding
Kelly and Scott Weis
Julie and Dave Welch
James Welch
Sam Welge
Peter and Linda Werner
Westrich Photography
Trish and Rob Wetzel
Tracy Whelpley
Timothy Whitehead
Linda and David Wicks
Christine and Jim Wiehl
Jean and Mike Wilhelm
William R. Orthwein, Jr. and Laura Rand Orthwein Foundation
Brian Williams
Rene Williams
Stephanie Williams
Stephanie and Keith H. Williamson
Chris and Liesl Wilson
Patricia B. Wiltse
Chelsea Windlinger
Jeannine and Mark Winkle
Wm. Boudoures Co.
Erin and David Wolf
Tim Wommack
Wong Family Foundation
Gabrielle Woodard
Natalie Woods
Denise Wool
World Wide Technology Foundation
Mary Wright
Kelly and Steve Wuennenberg
Cindy and Chris Wunderlich
Brandy and Brian Yarbrough
Ann Yeatman Sheehan
Young Friends Board
Zeta Phi Beta and Phi Beta Sigma
Katie and Jonathan Zilm
Jeff and Stephanie Zornes
Dylan Zurweller
Learn about the many ways you can help support the Little Bit mission.